Hey what’s up guys? My name is Mike Grbic, I am so glad to get this opportunity to connect with you. I hope someday we get to meet personally.

I’ve always been a dreamer. A BIG dreamer. I wanted to be somebody who mattered; someone who helped people and never shied away from hard work.
I’m probably a textbook “all or nothing” over-achiever with guts, grit, and a bit of stubbornness.
I like to say, “God created me with one gear, FULL SPEED.” Which isn’t entirely true… I’ve just always had a hard time doing anything halfway.

Early Years
I grew up an ordinary small town kid in Towanda, Kansas. I worked PT at Walmart as a stocker, did chores, odd jobs, and even helped out in my Dad’s machine shop on the weekends to make extra money. I certainly did not have a rough childhood… I was loved and blessed with amazing parents.

US Air Force
Joining the Air Force and becoming a fighter pilot was my dream! I would not be deterred. I often shared my dream with teachers, principals, and anyone that would listen. I got good grades, kept my nose clean, varsity wrestler, student council, Civil Air Patrol, and even got my private pilot’s license before graduating high school. Ultimately, I was accepted into the USAF Academy for the class of 1995. My lifelong dream was beginning to take shape.
But life had other plans. Soon, my short military career came to a devastating end. While wrestling, I severely injured my shoulder…this caused me to lose my PQ (pilot qualification) which medically disqualified me from flying. I was crushed. This was my dream, my life, my identity. I had no plan B.
What will I do for a career? Now what will I do with my life?
No way was I going to “fly a desk” somewhere. My only option was to leave the Air Force Academy with an honorable discharge. There I was… 20, broken, dreams shattered, no clue on what to do with my life. With direction… I was utterly lost.

Trying to find my way
I had various attempts at business in my 20’s including: a carpet cleaning business, commercial janitorial business, several popular “MLM’s” and yes, even real estate. A late night Carlton Sheets infomercial led me to get my real estate license in 1994… but I was never able to get going. I was just one of the statistical mass failures who couldn’t survive the real estate industry. Still trying to find my place, my purpose, I felt like a soldier looking for a cause to fight for.
Over the next several years, I devoured everything I could get my hands on for spiritual and personal growth. I’m pretty sure I owned everything ever produced (books and tapes back then) by Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Dale Carnegie, and Napoleon Hill. I also dug deep into studying the original motivational text… the Bible. I replaced any negative energy with my absolute goal, and passion, to be a successful entrepreneur – the best version of ME I could be. Learning everything about business, human behavior, personal development, and adding value to people became my obsession.

Getting into Real Estate (again)
In 2002, I launched back into real estate sales full time and never looked back. I had no doubt – I WOULD be successful. I took every course I could, studied the successful real estate agents/companies, and went many conferences. I even drove around the US to different real estate offices… shadowing the top agents in the country. I was working non-stop, 7 days a week building a successful real estate team… and within 3 years, I became the #1 Agent in Wichita, Kansas. In my mind… I had finally “made it.” Needless to say, I had no work-life balance and all that glitters is not gold. I was unhappy.

Building a Business
Each year we added numbers and business continued to grow… until it didn’t. I became the choke point. The realization hit me… I wasn’t just in the real estate business and I wasn’t just in the marketing business ~ I was in the PEOPLE DEVELOPMENT business. Inspired by Tony Robbins and Zig Ziglar, I learned I didn’t need to build the whole business myself… I needed to build people and those people would build the business. I had it all backwards this whole time.
I began learning how to build people. I needed to become a master at leadership, personal development, creating a compelling company vision, and building a strong team culture. When I finally got out of the way – business EXPLODED! Year after year we grew… even during some of the worst housing market times we had ever seen. Hiring and building leaders in the company became my mission.
It was a long, tough, and powerful journey of growth for me – with plenty of ups and downs. I sought out mentors, coaches, successful business leaders, that I could learn from and model.
Our goal of selling over 1,000 homes a year was finally attained in 2015. During this time we also launched a few expansion teams in other markets, putting us in 2 states. We had built a real business; that didn’t require my involvement in the day to day operations.
Over the 15 years of building my real estate team, I became a “Billion Dollar Agent,” having sold over 7,500 homes and well over 1 Billion Dollars in real estate. We were recognized by RealTrends and WallStreet Journal as the #9 real estate team in the US. INC Magazine named us as one of the INC 5000 fastest growing companies. We’ve had the opportunity to be on numerous radio stations, TV, and podcasts. I couldn’t have been more proud of my team and the people we had all become in the process.
I sold my real estate company in 2017. With a desire to have a greater impact and help real estate agents and business owners… eager for new adventure…

A New Chapter – A New Vision
I had paid my ‘tuition’ at the school of hard knocks in the real estate business… now it was time to pay it forward. Other real estate agents shouldn’t have to struggle like I did and endure the same hardships. My passion is now shifted to helping real estate agents build real businesses… not just have a J.O.B.
Now a high performance real estate/business coach and marketing strategist, I’m committed to making an impact on our industry. I empower agents and real estate businesses to not just survive… but to THRIVE! Our clients and agents deserve better than what our industry has been serving them the past few decades century.

On a Personal Note
I’m incredibly lucky to be married to my best friend, and beautiful wife, Jamie. We are truly blessed and grateful to have amazing family that we love spending time with.
Since moving to Puerto Rico in late 2017, we’ve begun a whole new personal adventure. Living in Kansas, we dreamed what it would be like to live in the Caribbean. Now, we’re living that dream and in the same place we had our honeymoon. We love traveling, exploring the world, meeting amazing people, and helping others tap into their true potential.

My Message to You
Looking back… I’m a firm believer that living in a state of gratitude, and focusing on the lives you impact, is more important than WHAT you do, WHAT you accomplish, or WHAT you have in the bank.
I got a taste of my dream of being an AirForce pilot for a brief period of time. Though that was not what I would ultimately do, I realized at that early age that when I commit to my vision – and pursue it with 100% passion – ANYTHING is possible. In my real estate career, I put that commitment to the test and proved that what Mom and Dad said was right… I could “do anything I put my mind to.”
I’m now committed to impacting lives by inspiring and teaching people how to pursue their dreams, to achieve financial freedom in the real estate business, how to have a life of design and intention, and making a difference in the world around them.
I’m so grateful where life has taken me and the life that I’ve chosen to live on a daily basis. I believe we are the writers and directors of our own screenplays. I’m blessed for the difficulties I’ve faced… they forced me to grow, learn, and overcome. Those valleys help me appreciate my life now even more and they’ve given me an even stronger desire to help others succeed and tap into their God given talents.
Reach out and say hello. I would love to hear about your life’s journey and the lessons you are learning. May we learn from and encourage each other.
Always remember you were born for a unique purpose, a calling, and something bigger than just yourself. There is a greater good on this earth you are meant to serve before you lay down in a box. The fact that you’re still here proves that you aren’t done. You have work to do. YOU have to decide and act; no one is going to do it for you! YOU’RE responsible to build yourself into the person you were meant to be. No one is going to give you the mindset, the skills, and the emotional strength. That’s all on you!
I know life can be tough. I know that times are sometimes challenging and it may seem like you can’t make it. I’m living proof that you can!! If a small town boy from Kansas can do it, YOU CAN!
Hustle like your life depends on it, it does! Your dreams matter! YOU Matter! You must be willing to Fail… but also Learn, Develop, Create, Grow, Adapt, and Overcome. Don’t wait on someone else to save you. BE the Superhero you were born to be. Every journey begins with a single step… take that step, the world needs you my friend! Be the example… the shining light that inspires the world around you. Show us all what’s truly possible!
Oh, and have fun! Don’t take life too seriously… nobody makes it out alive anyway, right?! Smile. Enjoy yourself. You are enough! You have what it takes! There is greatness in YOU. Live your life’s purpose! Start now!!
God Bless and Godspeed on your journey.